MS La Paloma
MS La Paloma
Planning a trip to Koblenz? Explore the beautiful World Heritage Site Upper Middle Rhine Valley from the Rhine, aboard our colleagues from the MS La Paloma!
On no other stretch of the Rhine are the castles and palaces so beautifully strung together. On one of the castle tours you will discover the Rhine front of Koblenz, the fortress Ehrenbreitstein and the famous "German Corner". At the mouth of the Moselle, the ship turns around and makes its way up the Rhine to Braubach to Marksburg Castle. The cruise takes you past the Electoral Palace of Koblenz, the Koblenz Brewery, Lahneck Castle, Stolzenfels Castle and the Königsstuhl in Rhens. In Braubach the ship turns around and sails back to Koblenz.
In addition, the MS La Paloma offers a variety of different theme and event trips throughout the year. All trips are also available at our ticket office in Cologne.